- Haipeng Mi, Aleksander Krzywinski, Masanori Sugimoto, Weiqin Chen. RoboStory:
A Tabletop Mixed Reality Framework for Children's Role Play Storytelling. First International Workshop on INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING FOR CHILDREN, 2010. (to appear)
- Aleksander Krzywinski, Haipeng Mi, Masanori Sugimoto, Weiqin Chen. Playing with Robot: A Tabletop Framework for Robot and Human Game Playing. Game And Entertainment Technology 2010. (to appear)
- Aleksander Krzywinski, Haipeng Mi, Weiqin Chen, Masanori Sugimoto. RoboTable: A Tabletop Framework for Tangible Interaction with Robots in a Mixed Reality. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2009.
- Haipeng Mi, Aleksander Krzywinski, Tomoki Fujita, Masanori Sugimoto. Design of a Tangible Tabletop Platform for Multi-Finger Input and Mobile Robot Tracking. Entertainment Computing 2009. (Japanese)